As your Solterra real estate specialist, I’m keen to stay on top of the plans for Rooney Valley. What happens to that acreage is of special interest to Solterra residents, to the buyers considering a move into this special neighborhood, and the homeowners who plan to sell in the next year or two.
The Solterra community in Lakewood, Colorado, is situated just north of the Rooney Valley.
To get the latest news, I attended last Saturday’s community meeting at the Green Mountain Presbyterian Church, with ward representatives David Wiechman and Barb Franks. There’s no question, our community is adamant that Lakewood gets this development right. I’m referring to the open land just south of Solterra, west of Indiana, north of Morrison and east of C-470.
Plans call for the City of Morrison to annex the land under discussion to the City of Lakewood. The annexation hasn’t happened yet, and probably won’t for some time. If you’re interested, the new Master Plan adopted by the city of Lakewood for the Rooney Valley is available online at
Local residents continue to voice their concerns regarding plans for the development of Rooney Valley to the south of Solterra in Lakewood, CO.
Of utmost concern to all of us Solterra home owners is how the development of Rooney Valley will affect real estate values and our quality of life. Traffic at the access points of Alameda and Morrison Road to C-470 will definitely increase. The degree to which home values will be affected depends on the types of homes that populate the new neighborhood, who the builders are and the quality of the construction. All of that is yet to be determined.
Contact Andrew Nagel, Solterra Real Estate Specialist, with your questions and concerns about the development of Rooney Valley and its impact on Solterra homeowners, like himself.
I’ll continue to blog about this topic in the weeks and months ahead. Check back for new information. In the meantime, reach out by phone (303-898-4572) or email if you’d like to talk about the issues. I’m always happy to share what I know.