It’s called the Law of Attraction: positive thoughts draw positive experiences and people to us. A negative outlook attracts more negativity. I’m no philosopher but I see the Law of Attraction at play in real estate transactions all the time, starting with the agent-client dynamic.
Brokers who discount their pricing attract buyers looking for deals. Don’t get me wrong: I like getting the best price for my sellers and buyers, but price is one factor among many when buying or selling a home. Haggling to get that price as low as possible triggers chaos and confrontation, which elevates stress and anxiety. Things can get difficult.
Two- and four-legged residents enjoying the dog park at Solterra in Lakewood, CO
Conversely, buyers who see a new home purchase as a lifestyle as well as a financial decision recognize that price is one aspect of a complex scenario. Location, neighborhood amenities, and the age and condition of the home are important considerations. Buyers who seek the skills and counsel of a trained and seasoned broker are more likely to have a smooth and seamless real estate experience.
Re/Max realtor Andrew Nagel with his dog in the open space overlooking Solterra
Working with a professional realtor means fewer hiccups and hassles; if one arises, the experienced realtor knows what to do because he’s dealt with the issue before. The stress level for his clients is lower; they know a professional has their back. A broker who jumps into an opportunistic market to make fast money is not concerned with building a career, a brand or a reputation, and it shows.
Andrew Nagel has been buying and selling in Solterra since the first home was built
In my years of buying and selling residential real estate, I’ve been blessed with great clients. The transactions are pleasant. My clients are courteous and easy to work with and they, in turn, refer like-minded family members, friends and colleagues. I’m a people-oriented guy who strives to make people happy, and it’s working: like attracts like, in work and in life.